
It all comes back to You - EP Release, 7.01.11 - 7.04.11

Truth be told, when all the noise is through, it all comes back to You:

To You who made the water, 
And You who made the sky, 
And You who made the sunshine's rays dance before my eyes. 
And to You, I ask my questions to, when I wonder, "Why?"  
When I'm alone and my day is through, 
no matter what has been and is to come...
It all comes back to You.

I love You...Thank You. -Your Little Pauline

About-the-Song Series, track 2: "I'm Free"

I'm Free is a really fun way to say some really true things about I once was, and who I am now.  

The truth about me is this:
I was being played by a puppet master with dark intentions.  I walked a path well traveled, paved by the prince of the power of the air.  I could not control my dark thoughts and feelings...and I couldn't help but act on them somehow, whether in the light or in the dark.  I was prone to greed, jealousy, rage, pride, lust, strife, depression, uncontrollable up-and-downs - MISERY!  And I could not pull myself together.  I was desperate; destitute.

But now!  Because of my Jesus, RICH and GENEROUS in His mercy toward me, I have been given new life!  A new chance!  A million-trillion new chances!  I have received sweet release from the bondage and chains of who I was!
And guess what?  It's a GIFT.  It's free!  I don't have to earn it, I don't have to work for it, I don't have an insurmountable debt over my head that I have to pay back.  It's FREE.  I'm FREE - PERIOD.  
And guess what again?  The same offer goes for you: You want it? You got it.
Now come on!  That's somethin' worth singin' about!!!